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We are happy to contribute to the 1st dissemination event of Clean Sky 2 Project CA3VIAR to be held on Monday 05 and Tuesday 06 September 2022, hosted by Leibniz Universität Hannover at Hannover, Germany.
The event is titled: "Design of a composite Ultra-High Bypass Ratio fan". Details for the event can be found here: https://www.ca3viar-project.eu/fileadmin/ca3viar/Dateien/CA3ViAR_DisseminationEvent_5.pdf
More information on CA3VIAR:
The aim of the Composite fan Aerodynamic, Aeroelastic and Aeroacoustic VAlidation Rig (CA3ViAR) project is the design of a Low-Speed Fan (LSF) that will develop instabilities, which are representative for fans in ultra-high-bypass-ratio (UHBR) engines of civil aircraft. During the project, extensive experimental tests to measure aerodynamic, aeroelastic and aeroacoustic performance under a wide range of operational conditions will be performed. The resulting models, data and documents will be published as an open test case, which is unique in the engine fan research. ADAMANT Composites Ltd participates in this event as a Project partner responsible for the CFRP blades manufacturing.
Further information can be found here: https://www.ca3viar-project.eu/