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  Greece: Aghias Lavras and Stadiou street, Patras, 26504 Platani, Rio, Achaia

  England: 10 Wellington Street, Cambridge, CB1 1HW

  Telephone: +30 2610 931730      Fax: +30 2610 931 727

  Email: info@adamant-composites.com


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Saturday, Oktober 17th 2020

📅 On Saturday, 17th October 2020 our company participated in 20 Minutes of Innovation, an event organized by EUROAVIA Patras. Dr. Dimitrios Mazarakos (Principal Engineer in Adamant Composites Ltd.) presented “Developing Aerospace Deployable Structures in Greece”.

You can watch his presentation on this link.

  Greece: Aghias Lavras and Stadiou street, Patras, 26504 Platani, Rio, Achaia

  England: 10 Wellington Street, Cambridge, CB1 1HW

  Telephone: +30 2610 931730      Fax: +30 2610 931 727

  Email: info@adamant-composites.com


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