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“Market Ready” for ADAMANT’s FXply technology in the EU-H2020 Innovation Radar
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September, 2020

🏆The year 2015 was a milestone year for Adamant Composites from many perspectives. One of them was the start of the PLATFORM project, under the framework of Horizon 2020 supported by the European Commission. During the project Pilot Lines were developed for the industrialization of nano-enabling technologies for composites, while the project was successfully completed in 2018.

The most important outcome of this cooperation was the industrial technology for modifying prepreg materials with Carbon-Nanotubes (CNT) (CNT-treated prepregs). The technology enables the realization of improved and functional high-performance composite structures with minimal change of existing production processes. ADAMANT collaborated closely with the University of Patras to develop their enabling innovative technology. ADAMANT offers this technology under the tradename FXplyΤΜ technology.

Today, it is with great pleasure and pride that we announce that the said technology was announced by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar as “Market Ready” and furthermore characterized as having a “High” level of Market Creation Potential!

🌠More information is available via the Innovation Radar’s official website.

  Greece: Aghias Lavras and Stadiou street, Patras, 26504 Platani, Rio, Achaia

  England: 10 Wellington Street, Cambridge, CB1 1HW

  Telephone: +30 2610 931730      Fax: +30 2610 931 727

  Email: info@adamant-composites.com


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